Hello Team, I want to update my pv and pvc of cli...
# support
Hello Team, I want to update my pv and pvc of clickhouse.persistence.size from 20GB to 100GB, i have also followed the below command but it is also updating my signoz from v0.10.2 to the latest version but i don't want to update my signoz version as such. kubectl patch storageclass gp2 -p '{"allowVolumeExpansion": true}' helm -n platform upgrade my-release signoz/signoz --set clickhouse.persistence.size=100Gi
@Rahul Tiwari you would have to either choose specific chart version along with that.. Or pass
consisting of the desired chart versions
@Prashant Shahi Thank you for the reply
kubectl patch storageclass gp2 -p '{"allowVolumeExpansion": true}' helm -n platform upgrade my-release signoz/signoz --version 0.2.5 --set clickhouse.persistence.size=125Gi
i tried the above command and it is working fine.
The latter would have been better since it consists of chart fixes and improvements. Here is the command:
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helm -n platform upgrade my-release signoz/signoz --set queryService.image.tag=0.10.2 —-set frontend.image.tag=0.10.2 --set clickhouse.persistence.size=125Gi