question: we are monitoring the API, we would like...
# support
question: we are monitoring the API, we would like to send heart beats to our
endpoint every 1 min to monitor whether API is live. Is it possible to send heartbeats directly from SigNoz or do we need to implement it separately?
Do you mean your application has
endpoint as a health check API and you want to poll it from signoz eery minute to check if it's alive or not?
@Ankit Nayan - correct
something like
elastic heartbeat
@Dam Mad this is not possible to currently do that in signoz. SigNoz is designed to be a backend to analyse data sent to it. You can either create some metrics at your application and send it to signoz or you can use blackbox exporter to do many of such similar tasks and let signoz's otel-collector-metrics scrape the metrics at blackbox exporter in a prometheus way.
it would be great if you could create an issue for this. If many people need that, we might implement it native to signoz