Greetings! I am evaluating signoz and currently r...
# general
Greetings! I am evaluating signoz and currently running in Docker. Where is the data collected being stored and what is the retention?
Thanks, brother! So what is the retention by default? Moreover, is there a sizing formula for an estimate of storage required by day? And another thing, Services show several applications. Are those SigNoz itself? How are Redis and Mysql used? I thought I read that clickhouse was the data store?
By default there is no retention period set. So data keeps on getting stored indefinitely. We highly recommend to set retention period based on your business needs
@Scott the services you see by default are a sample application which is installed by default with SigNoz. This enables users to explore functionalities of SigNoz with instrumenting their application first. Redis and MySQL are part of that sample application If you want you can remove the sample application by following steps mentioned here - ClickHouse is indeed the primary datastore :)
Hope this clarifies - feel free to ask more questions if something is not clear
Thanks @Pranay! Say, the application I am trying to instrument is a production Spring Boot app with mane dependencies. It appears to be over-instrumented according to the Traces. I am now experimenting with turning off auto-instrument (e.g. otel.instrumentation.spring-scheduling.enabled=false) and decorating where I need a trace to begin using @WithSpan. At the moment, I do not see the method I decorated showing up
Copy code
private void processMessagesReceivedFromStore(StoreInfo storeInfo) throws Exception {
I see. so you plan to turn off auto instrumentation and send all spans manually? @Scott @Ankit Nayan @Vishal Sharma any insights on why @WithSpan decorated traces may not be appearing in SigNoz?
@Scott have you followed Go through the steps once again in case you missed something
I have read thru that doc. Out-of-the-box I was not getting the traces I needed. Once I started decorating the methods I wanted in my trace, I then started seeing duplicate spans in my trace. It was at this point I started turning off auto-instrument (e.g. otel.instrumentation.spring-scheduling.enabled=false). However, I am now getting traces which indicate there are missing spans! This seems to be generating spans I either cannot see in my code or missing spans and/or duplicating spans. Any clues?
hmm... I have not looked into these. Can it wait for a few days? Maybe by Thu/Friday? Somebody could give it a try
As I am trying to figure out my spans/traces, is there a way to easily flush all collected data
connect to clickhouse and truncate all tables inside dbs
@Scott Here’s how you connect to clickhouse: