Is there somewhere that we can see the near term r...
# general
Is there somewhere that we can see the near term roadmap? I looked in Discussions, but didn't find one
@User hey thanks for pointing out - we have actually not updated this. Will create one soon Next items in roadmap - 1. ability to create dashboards for custom metrics (should ship in a week's time) 2. Default infra metrics dashboard - hosts, containers, k8s 3. Alerts for metrics
Sweet! Those are great features
💯 1
Just curious, is anomaly detection anywhere near term?
not in the next 2-3 months. Once we build the above 3 and edge out the corner cases - we will get into more fun stuff like anomaly detection and workflows
Do you have a usecase for anomaly detection - or use it heavily? - Would be great if you can create an issue with the usecases - would help us match with some real use cases when we start building it
At my last job, the anomaly detection in DataDog was useful in showing when things would go wrong, with 0 intervention from us (no need to set up manual alerts for example). I don't know if that's a usecase worth documenting, but if you think so, I'll make an issue!
Yes, please - would be helpful if you can be more specific like which metric you were using, any specific anomaly detection algo worked best etc