I found this blog <https://signoz.io/blog/out-of-b...
# support
I found this blog https://signoz.io/blog/out-of-box-application-monitoring-prometheus/#for-completely-new-setups and wanted to link a k8s cluster to the SigNoz instance we have but I don't find what to use for the "--set agent.licence" param. Any reference to linking Prometheus to signoz ?
@User Do you have any ideas on this?
Hey @User, great to get connected. That blog was actually written a long time ago when we were experimenting with exporting application metrics to prometheus. Now SigNoz can ingest metrics and traces both with powerful aggregation capabilities. Please let me know the use case you were trying to solve using the blog, I will have a look. BTW we just released helm charts with latest stack. More details about the release at https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/releases/tag/v0.5.3. You can follow docs to get started using signoz in k8s https://signoz.io/docs/deployment/helm_chart/
Hi @User glad to be connected. I was looking at the option of monitoring k8s metrics in SigNoz without having any instrumented application deployed on the cluster yet (sort of a demo). I have installed the hotrod demo app as well, but wanted to bring in the monitoring also one of our own k8s clusters. I want to keep the SigNoz instance outside of the k8s clusters so in case of "disaster" (the cluster goes down, host VM crashes, etc.) the monitoring and alerting will tell us immediately. As for the helm chart, we tried it but didn't get it to work so we're sticking to the script deployment.
that's right...keeping observability stack in separate VM/cluster is ideal
sending k8s cluster metrics to SigNoz is possible and enabled. You need to run opentelemetry-collector-contrib and send send data to SigNoz. You also need to enable a few receivers to get k8s metrics • k8sclusterreceiverkubeletstatsreceiver
We can allocate some bandwidth to help you set these up in coming week (wednesday onwards). Let me know if you need help in setting up before that otherwise, would love to catch up again
Thank you @User for your kind offer, gladly accept it. Let me know how we can connect.
Cool. Would be great to come over a call for 30 mins to understand your usecases in depth and work better to enable K8s infra metrics. Please find a suitable time at https://calendly.com/ankit-nayan/30min