hi team we use k6 for performance benchmarking and...
# support
hi team we use k6 for performance benchmarking and result integration is done using a prometheus “remote write” endpoint. How do we achieve the same using open telemetry prometheus receiver as it does not support remote write and read? any workaround strategy ?
Can you share a bit more detail on how your flow looks like? does k6 write results on an external db like cassandra and you plot those metrics in prometheus via remote write? ( feel free to correct if I am completely off here 😉 )
hi @Pranay apologies for delayed response. So k6 supports writing to following formats and backends -> https://k6.io/docs/integrations/#result-store-and-visualization . The way it interacts with prometheus is through remote write api of prometheus which is currently not supported by https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/blob/main/receiver/prometheusreceiver/README.md . So as of now the workaround that we have planned is to copy output results from logs of k6 pods (as it writes at the end of experiment) to a output file as part of gitops. I hope this information helped.
Got it. thanks for sharing @Jay Ghiya