Hi There :) I am trying to get Signoz work to get...
# support
Hi There :) I am trying to get Signoz work to get see if it could fit us. I could easily install it on minikube but I have a lot of difficulty install it on EKS fargate. My next move is to add an EC2 node to our fargate cluster (not ideal in the long run but ok solution for now) and "force" Signoz helm installation to "land" on the EC2 node. So far without success but I believe I will succeed at some point. Do you know if there is a more native support for EKS Fargate? Thanks!
ah..I see. We do not have support for Fargate now but seems like we should do this soon as I have seen a few demands for this now.
If you could open an issue about this, it would be great to track it publicly in github repo.
👍 1