I need to reset password for signoz, who can help...
# support
I need to reset password for signoz, who can help me to process, my email is kspine@163.com Thanks
Hello, this is the administrator account, but I forgot the password, what should I do?
Ah, I think you would need to manually delete the db file here with user details. @Prashant Shahi should have the exact steps
@William Wang You can exec inside query-service container and remove all users and organisations:
Copy code
docker exec -it query-service sh
Copy code
kubectl -n platform exec -it pod/my-release-signoz-query-service-0 -- sh
Run the following:
Copy code
# install sqlite
apk update
apk add sqlite

# open sqlite with signoz.db
sqlite3 /var/lib/signoz/signoz.db

# (sqlite shell) check existing users
select * from users;

# (sqlite shell) delete all users
delete from users where 1=1;

# (sqlite shell) verify user deletion
select * from users;

# (sqlite shell) check existing organizations
select * from organizations;

# (sqlite shell) delete organization
delete from organizations where 1=1;

# (sqlite shell) verify org deletion
select * from organizations;

# press CTRL + D to exit from sqlite shell
# safely exit from the query-service container
After that you should be able to create a new admin account from SigNoz UI.
Hello, the processing is completed according to your sequence of operations, but still cannot create a new account
@William Wang "Get Started" button will be enabled only after filling the Sign Up form.
still disable status
Password must fulfil the criteria: • minimum of 8 characters • at least one lowercase and one upper case characters • at least one number and one special character
For example:
Thanks ,I got it now,
Good to know 🙂
I will test whether I can collect data normally through opentelemetry and analyze it through signoz when my program bytecode is encrypted, thank you