Hello, i have a couple of questions if anyone can ...
# support
Hello, i have a couple of questions if anyone can help
Hey , Posting here again for future reference for others 1. Yeah, we create a sample hotrod application which has few example services - to show SigNoz features. You can remove the samples application using instructions here - https://signoz.io/docs/operate/docker-standalone/#remove-the-sample-application 3. Yes, docker is production ready if you are at normal scale, you have to use bigger machines though to handle high scale. What is scale in terms of RPS/number of services you are targeting If you are at huge scale, we recommend k8s helm charts - pre reqs here - https://signoz.io/docs/install/kubernetes/aws/
For 2, I understand you req. is :
A couple AWS functions that are on the same account and then an on premises application
@Itay Baror I think you can try this for Lamda functions - https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-lambda and for on prem applications you can just point to IP of SigNoz instance as mentioned in our docs Though I am not very sure on this, @Prashant Shahi / @Ankit Nayan do you have more insights on this?
@Prashant Shahi I have been following that guide for a while, the issue is that the data is not exporting, please read above
Ideally, there are two options: • you could either send directly to SigNoz via gRPC or HTTP endpoints. • bring up otel-collector instance which would relay the traces/metrics data to SigNoz
@Itay Baror can you share more on what did you try?
oh sorry different thread
@Itay Baror signoz should be hosted on a separate VM or k8s cluster in production and expose ingestion to signoz's otel-collector using load balancer. That way any of your applications running anywhere should be able to send data to signoz which is now a centralized hub of all your telemetry data