In terms of deploying the SigNoz containers which ...
# support
In terms of deploying the SigNoz containers which ones can not be scaled? I assume the frontend and query-service can be scaled to N replicas while the alertmanager can only have 1 instance?
is it recommended to run more than 1 query service or any other of the above containers in PROD?
@Alexei Zenin currently, Frontend and OtelCollector can be scaled. It does not make sense to horizontally scale OtelCollector Metrics, as it is used for obtaining metrics via pull based mechanism. Scaling ClickHouse is done using
I see thanks, so alert manager and query service cannot
Is there something stateful in the query-service?
Alertmanager could be possible, but unsure since we haven't tested it from our end. @Amol Umbark would be the right person to answer that.
For query-service, @Ankit Nayan would be the best person to answer that.
nothing specific in query-service except that we use a sqlite db for storing users and dashboards. When we add postgres, it will become horizontally scalable
but usually querying is not heavily used unless we have too many alerts running at fixed interval. Hence we separated ingestion and querying to handle both the loads separately
Yeah thats what I was thinking, the file DB would only allow 1 instance of query service. Thanks for the clarifications!
MySQL would be better :)
@Alexei Zenin we had been evaluating PostgreSQL as a replacement for SQLite.. But due to lack of bandwidth, it is not on top of our roadmap.