Hi, is there any guidance for instrumenting recent...
# general
Hi, is there any guidance for instrumenting recent versions of Angular with Signoz? The documentation only references usage with app.module.ts which doesn't work with standalone versions of Angular (which is now the recommended way to do things)
Hey, Luke! You can follow the instructions mentioned in this section of the doc - here These will mostly work for the self-hosted SigNoz as well. NOTE: Since you’re using self-hosted SigNoz, you don’t need to install a separate OTel collector binary so you can skio that step. You can also check out this sample app - https://github.com/SigNoz/angular-otel-native Two things to keep in mind: • Enable CORS • Put the correct collector URL. For example, if SigNoz is running in Local, url will be ->
I’ll work on updating the current instructions for Self-Hosted SigNoz for instrumneting Angular application. cc: @Vikrant Gupta
@Chitransh Gupta I have a question around URL. For example, if SigNoz to be ->
I have deployed otel collector svc in k8s on another namespace and setup angular in with otel, but when running in k8s it fails net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT because angular is running on my broswer but the otel collector is inside k8s backend. How can this be achieve without exposing otel collector endpoint to internet?
@Prashant Shahi can you help here ?
you will need to expose the service via either the LoadBalancer or Ingress.