Hello :wave: I'm new to Signoz/OTel & followin...
# support
Hello 👋 I'm new to Signoz/OTel & following Signoz documentation I'm having trouble configuring a CloudWatch receiver to send LogGroups to Signoz. Would anybody be able to help guide me?
Can you please share what problem are you facing ? are you following this guide https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/send-cloudwatch-logs-to-signoz/ ?
Yes I'm following that guide. After applying my configuration I don't really know how to validate my changes in the UI (docs just say
you should be able to see your Cloudwatch logs in the logs tabs of SigNoz Cloud UI
). Is there something new I should be seeing? Do I need to apply a specific filter? I don't see anything different so I'm just assuming my changes aren't applied, but I'm also not seeing any errors
Click on the search filter in the logs explorer you should see some suggestion related to aws.