Hello. I am on Signoz v0.36.0. I could see a span ...
# support
Hello. I am on Signoz v0.36.0. I could see a span from a service but I couldn't see the service name in services Tab. I did make sure the time range is fine. Any reason this can happen
That should not be the case. Just to double check did you try increasing the time range of services tab and still didn't see it in the table?
No. The spans keep coming just fine. But I dont see the service name in that tab. Even if I increase the time range a lot
@Srikanth Chekuri In response of the api -
key has a service with a count as the value Where as in the response of the api -
a particular service is not there in the list. What could be the reason?
There might be some issues with the specific service operation/span names. Can you a look at the query-service logs when you load the Services tab and see if there is any query error?
Couldn’t find any error log. There are only info logs.
I ran this query -
select distinct serviceName from distributed_signoz_index_v2 where toDate(timestamp) > now() - interval 1 DAY format CSV;
This query’s output has that service name.
on further investigation -
select count( distinct name) from distributed_top_level_operations;
has roughly 7.87 lacs entries.
Is that the reason that some services are getting clipped while running the query -
SELECT DISTINCT name, serviceName FROM distributed_top_level_operations
Also I realized that there is ServiceSkipConfig. Where can I find that?
Is that the reason that some services are getting clipped while running the query -
Yes, the large number of entries indicates something wrong with your instrumentation. The entry is based on the span name. Make sure your span names are not very high cardinal https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/blob/v1.26.0/specification/trace/api.md#span. The
won't be helpful if you have so many entries to ignore.
@Srikanth Chekuri - Figured out the problem with high cardinality. Is there a way to delete already ingested operations in clickhouse?
Truncate the table
Thanks @Srikanth Chekuri
@Srikanth Chekuri - One last question, after truncating the table - how soon this table will get populated again?
Should start fill up very quickly.
ok thanks @Srikanth Chekuri