Hey Folks, Just want to confirm one thing about qu...
# support
Hey Folks, Just want to confirm one thing about querying the distributed tracing spans from clickhouse. How SigNoz expect to store the logs into Clickhouse? Like do we need to stitch all the spans together and save a long trace. or single spans can be stored in the database and they will be connected by the signoz UI?
@Vishal Sharma @Pranay @Raj Kamal any help guys?
SigNoz stores each span and log as single row in clickhouse. Any specific reason you asked this?
I am storing each span in the clickhouse and doing the POC on the UI tool. So just asking if I need to stitch these spans together under a span or separate spans can be fetched by the UI tool. Spans are stored as 1. span1 - traceid1 2. span2 - traceid1 3. span3 - traceid1 4. span1 - traceid2 5. span2 - traceid2 6. span3 - traceid2 I am hoping that the Signoz will fetch all the spans under a traceId and based on the timestamp/parentspan build the tree.
Hey @Vishal Sharma Just want to ask if there is any specific format or schema in which we need to store the spans in our database like clickhosue?
Can we deploy the UI part individually? also does UI support the query engine (like stitches all the spans of a traceId together?) Signoz UI -> Clickhouse DB (contains the spans in the format that you send)
We have frontend service for UI and query-service for querying Clickhouse and managing dashboards. It can be very difficult to use individually. We recommend using SigNoz as a whole. Are their any missing features in SigNoz due to which you considering SigNoz only for UI?
Actually our solution is already prepared till the database, I am searching for the UI and query service and Signoz seems better option to use.