```[ { "timestamp": 169831006600000000223...
# support
Copy code
      "timestamp": 169831006600000000223,
      "trace_id": "000000000000000038c51935df0b93b4",
      "span_id": "18c51935df0b93b8",
      "trace_flags": 1,
      "severity_text": "warn",
      "severity_number": 14,
      "attributes": {
          "method": "GET",
          "path": "/api/users/2"
      "resources": {
          "host": "myhost",
          "namespace": "prod"
      "message": "test"
Hi, I’m using the example you provided at https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/send-logs-http/ I’m sending it via http to my ec2 machine but the log is not appearing correctly like the doc. I noticed that it is also not filtering correctly. Localhost works well, but not in ec2 docker, can you help me?
@nitya-signoz I believe Joao also reached out cloud support email about this.
The timestamp you provided seems to be odd
March 4, 2508
Hi @nitya-signoz thanks u contact, I’m implementing signoz as a POC for my company, currently I modified the payload according to your answer:
Copy code
    "timestamp": 1641413853000,
    "trace_id": "abcdef1234567890",
    "span_id": "0123456789abcdef",
    "trace_flags": 1,
    "severity_text": "INFO",
    "severity_number": 200,
    "attributes": {
      "key1": "value1",
      "key2": "value2"
    "resources": {
      "cpu": "30%",
      "memory": "512MB"
    "body": "Example log message"
but it’s still not showing and I’m getting 200 as success
Investigating docker-compose up I found that the container something in the signoz-logspout log container | 2023/12/08 130853!! dial tcp x.x.x.x.x2255 connect: connection refused
you can ignore logspout as it is for collecting docker container logs.
can you send a request removing the timestamp key ?
omg @nitya-signoz is work
what happened?
@nitya-signoz thanks u help
It should be a timestamp mismatch.