hi - I've installed SigNoz alongside a GoLang appl...
# support
hi - I've installed SigNoz alongside a GoLang application running under docker-compose. I've used the troubleshooting app to send some sample data to the localhost:4317 and it seems to be sucessful but nothing is showing up in the SigNoz dashboards. Shouldn't I expect to see the sample data show up somewhere, or at least get some indication of activity? I've instrumented my application as described in the GoLang guidance but am not seeing any ingestion from that either...
I've used the troubleshooting app to send some sample data to the localhost:4317 and it seems to be sucessful but nothing is showing up in the SigNoz
Troubleshooting binary only checks the availability of the OTLP OTLP GRPC endpoint. Though it sends a dummy sample data, it is rejected by the signoz otel-collector - hence does not show up in the UI.
Copy code
telemetrygen traces --otlp-insecure --otlp-endpoint <IP-Address-of-SigNoz-OtelCollector>:4317
thanks - I'll try that out...
telemetryGen does work - data is ingested. But, I'm not seeing any input from my application - is there an easy way to generate some traffic inside an app container, just to check if traffic is coming through to SigNoz (an "hello world" for telemetry_)?
You can try flask or nodejs sample apps that we have in our github/docs