Hello everyone, I have JSON logs in signoz and th...
# support
Hello everyone, I have JSON logs in signoz and they are parsed correctly. However, I noticed that Signoz doesn’t handle correctly dash
within the logs query. For example: if the build query I would have this filter
Copy code
body.metadata.headers.x-forwarded-scheme = https
Which translate to this filter item in the query to the
Copy code
  "id": "15fa61fe-7815-40ca-a29b-ba1ed942dfbb",
  "key": {
    "id": "------",
    "dataType": "string",
    "key": "body.metadata.headers.x-forwarded-scheme",
    "isColumn": false,
    "type": "",
    "isJSON": true
  "op": "=",
  "value": "https"
and it lands on this error
Copy code
  "status": "error",
  "data": {
    "A": "code: 36, message: Unable to parse JSONPath: while executing 'FUNCTION JSON_EXISTS(body : 1, '$.metadata.headers.x-forwarded-scheme' : 12) -> JSON_EXISTS(body, '$.metadata.headers.x-forwarded-scheme') UInt8 : 20'"
  "errorType": "bad_data",
  "error": "error in builder queries"
Obviously, there are no logs found on the UI. I just wanted to know whether this is the expected behavior? Is there a hack I can implement on the Query builder to make it work?
This is fixed in latest release https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/3860. Please upgrade to 0.33.1