Hello Support I even uninstalled and reinstalled s...
# support
Hello Support I even uninstalled and reinstalled signoz on my local host I still cannot get Alert to trigger do you know what is causing that it is log based Alert
Share the query details and does the alert definitions condition set in such a way that should trigger the alert?
Hello Srikanth the main and goal is top trigger alert for this log 1698354023 00000001 AdminTool A ADMU3000I: Server igawas02 open for e-business; process id is 15991154 do we ned to change config in alert.yml or alertmanager.yml in order to trigger an alert do we need setup notification channel or will it work without it .
Then it should be like
body CONTAINS <your-serach-text>
. How often is this log emitted?
say every 5 min
also do we need to do anything here to see alerts getting triggered
Also what cause alert not to trigger I have been using my local host for last 60 days is it due to that just want to make sure
No, the actual log records should match the query to get alerted. Can you share sample logs from signoz UI?
Copy code
  "body": "Java Home = /opt/1638963361 00000001 AdminTool     A   ADMU3000I: Server igawas02 open for e-business; process id is 8192488",
  "id": "2XLYucsmUDRYWi0xfxg4Mwm9Rjx",
  "timestamp": 1698410050243057400,
  "attributes": {
    "log_file_name": "NewLogTest1.log"
  "resources": {},
  "severity_text": "",
  "trace_id": "",
  "span_id": "",
  "trace_flags": 0,
  "severity_number": 0
this what it looks like
so what I need to know moving forward what my team member needs to do in order to trigger alerts I am working on my turn over document for Signoz after this it will be deployed