Hi Team I have self hosted signoz to a custom dom...
# support
Hi Team I have self hosted signoz to a custom domain. I tried to record monitoring of the sample app (from Signoz docs) and it works fine. But I am unable to record metics of my expressjs application in my self hosted version. How do I integrate that?
What do you mean by unable to record metics of my expressjs application in my self hosted version. Did mean you are not able to instrument or not able to view them? Did you instrument and set up the SDK correctly?
Hey @Srikanth Chekuri , so I have installed signoz using helm on my eks cluster and I am deploying it. Now how do I connect my app to signoz so that metrics are recorded? I have referred the doc and I saw there’s a
url that we have to give in order for it to connect to signoz. Where do I get thatl? Do I have to deploy port 4318 too? https://signoz.io/docs/instrumentation/javascript/
You make the cluster endpoint accessible to app by exposing the ports