Hello <#C01HWQ1R0BC|support> A small doubt regardi...
# support
Hello #support A small doubt regarding the Clickhouse. I am just running the Signoz using Standalone docker. But I am facing the error of signoz_traces database not exist. How can I create it? Don't the Signoz create it automatically? If we need to create manually, where can I find the schema?
It should be created automatically. Were there any error logs from
Hey @Srikanth Chekuri Thanks for your reply. Actually, I have not scaled up the Otel collector. Just doing step by step processes. I have just scaled up the below containers 1. Clickhouse 2. Zookeeper 3. Alert Manager 4. Query Service 5. Frontend
You shouldn’t run the collector. Otherwise, databases/tables won’t be created. The collector is a critical piece that should always be there without that, there is nothing useful about SigNoz.
Oh, noted. Let me try and let you know if I face any issues
Thanks much!!