Hi. We have tested signoz in dev and QA . We are m...
# support
Hi. We have tested signoz in dev and QA . We are moving to prod. I have a question - the queries which we are building using query builder, where are they backed up ? Is it in the alertmanager's persistent volume or in clickhouse?
Hi @Simran X 👋 Do you mean the queries of alerts? It is stored in SQLiteDB, and the db file is stored in query-service persistent volume.
You could copy the
file from your test environment to production. That should make the users creds, dashboards and alerts from test environment available.
from your test environment:
Copy code
kubectl cp -n platform my-release-signoz-query-service-0:/var/lib/signoz/signoz.db ./signoz.db
In your production cluster, copy
to your prod environment and restart query-service pod:
Copy code
kubectl cp -n platform ./signoz.db my-release-signoz-query-service-0:/var/lib/signoz/signoz.db

kubectl -n platform rollout restart sts/my-release-signoz-query-service