Hi Team, my spring boot tomcat application is usin...
# general
Hi Team, my spring boot tomcat application is using otel exporter to send data to signoz and am able to see logs and traces successfully. Thanks ! We need help to use our applications tracking id to filter logs and traces instead of the trace id generated by Signoz. Can we get some help here please ?
@nitya-signoz Please help
You can add your tracking id as an attribute to your logs and filter using that id ?
@nitya-signoz, I mean we want to override the default signoz trace id value and show just our tracking id everywhere. Do we have options for the same ?
oh that’s not possible as it will not be a valid traceId and it will be ignored. I would suggest using an attribute, it will be the same
@nitya-signoz do we have any documentation for this ?
For populating trace_id and span_id this is used https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/blob/main/pkg/stanza/docs/types/trace.md and it will ignore the values which doesn’t correspond to an otel trace_id/span_id. By attribute I mean a field. So if you add code attributes you can configure your agent to send those attributes https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/tree/main/instrumentation/logback/logback-appender-1.0/javaagent using
More links here https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz.io/issues/855