<#C01HWQ1R0BC|support> Hello All, I have been faci...
# support
#support Hello All, I have been facing an issue related to retention period. I am trying to change Metrics retention period but it got stuck forever. I tried clearing all traces, logs, restarting docker container, restarting server even. But after all of this it still stuck at updating state. Not even failing so that i can try again Can anyone please help?
How much do you have already stored for metrics? What are your system resources limits?
Signoz default value. May be 30 days initially. Then updated to 3. But later cleared all logs, traces, metrics just to get this settings applied but still showing same System resources 6 cpu, 12 G mem. we keep getting below logs in frontend docker container when i visit the settings page
Copy code
[29/Aug/2023:04:46:34 +0000] "GET /api/v1/settings/ttl?type=metrics HTTP/1.0" 200 101 "http://<my domain>/settings" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" ""
TTL in ClickHouse is not very good. Since you mentioned you can delete the data, you can clean up the current installation with
rm -rf
and do a fresh install. It should succeed when you try to set ttl initially because there won’t be any data. But if you try to change it later it will probably run into the same issues again.
stopped the clickhouse container, removed all data with
rm -rf data/clickhouse/store/*
and started container again...but still showing same
this got resolved after removing all docker containers, volumes, all available docker resources & recreate everything