can we create custom clickhouse tables to store ap...
# support
can we create custom clickhouse tables to store application logs?
Sorry I didn’t understand why you want to create custom Clickhouse tables for logs? What’s your usecase? cc: @nitya-signoz
Because we are using our own format for logs and don’t need extra things that signoz save
I think we can save space if we use our own format for logs instead of generic one provided by signoz
You will need current schema to support queries. You go with space optimized schema then the performance will not be as good.
You can move data to S3 to save costs.
If ,I create custom schema to store logs .Then ,We need to do required changes in query layers also??
Yes and at otel collector too
Few questions:- • What is the different in space occupied that you are seeing between your and signoz schema • How do you plan to ingested data in custom schema. • Our query layer and frontend is written for custom schema, do you not intend to use signoz ui in that case ?
Copy code
			timestamp : '',
			requestId : '',
			functionName : "",
			thisnameSpace : '',
			message : '',
} this are the only fields we want to store in clickhouse customLogs table
We are using pino logger in our application and transport to signoz otel collector .
And need to transport these logs to clickhouse customLogs table
and then we are able to filter our logs on requestId,functionname, and partinal string serach on message
Just want to know how much efforts it will take to setup this configguration through signoz ??
I don’t think space wise there will be much difference.
And changes that we need to do on signoz code base??
it will be mostly entire codebase rewrite.