noticed a bug on the exception screen on fresh ins...
# support
noticed a bug on the exception screen on fresh install:
Copy code
signoz-query-service-0 signoz-query-service 2023-08-17T18:14:57.704Z    INFO    clickhouseReader/reader.go:2766 SELECT any(exceptionMessage) as exceptionMessage, count() AS exceptionCount, min(timestamp) as firstSeen, max(timestamp) as lastSeen, groupID, any(serviceName) as serviceName, any(exceptionType) as exceptionType FROM signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_error_index_v2 WHERE timestamp >= @timestampL AND timestamp <= @timestampU GROUP BY groupID ORDER BY serviceName DESC LIMIT @limit
signoz-query-service-0 signoz-query-service 2023-08-17T18:14:57.704Z    DEBUG   clickhouseReader/reader.go:2769 Error in processing sql query: code: 215, message: Column `serviceName` is not under aggregate function and not in GROUP BY. Have columns: ['any(serviceName)','count()','min(timestamp)','any(exceptionMessage)','max(timestamp)','any(exceptionType)','groupID']: While processing serviceName DESC
signoz-query-service-0 signoz-query-service 2023-08-17T18:14:57.704Z    ERROR   app/http_handler.go:2229        HTTP handler, Internal Server Error{error 26 0  Error in processing sql query}
signoz-query-service-0 signoz-query-service <*APIHandler).HandleError|*APIHandler).HandleError>
Please create an issue in github @Romil Khanna and if you have a fix PR In mind, please share that as well 🙂