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# support
@Srikanth Chekuri/@Prashant Shahi/@Ankit Nayan, we upgraded signoz to 21.0 and node js version to 18.9. Everything is working fine only. now i am able to see one exception ENOENT, operation name: fs realpath, stack trace is "ENOENT: no such file or directory, realpath '/usr/src/app/node_modules/diff/node_modules'". The Node JS will always flatten the dependencies of dependencies. there will be no nested node_modules .
I don’t think this is related to SigNoz. Does it happen only when the instrumentation is enabled?
@Srikanth Chekuri, when we use older version of signoz 10.2 and node version 11 . we could not see this error
after upgrading signoz and node version we are facing this issue
I am saying it is a node version issue which probably has nothing to do with SigNoz
oh ok
thanks for your valuable time