tried rolling back but got this ```2023-06-29T12:0...
# support
tried rolling back but got this
Copy code
2023-06-29T12:07:08.875Z	info	clickhouselogsexporter/exporter.go:247	Running migrations from path: 	{"kind": "exporter", "data_type": "logs", "name": "clickhouselogsexporter", "test": "/logsmigrations"}
Error: cannot build pipelines: failed to create "clickhouselogsexporter" exporter, in pipeline "logs": cannot configure clickhouse logs exporter: clickhouse Migrate failed to run, error: no migration found for version 6: read down for version 6 .: file does not exist
2023/06/29 12:07:08 application run finished with error: cannot build pipelines: failed to create "clickhouselogsexporter" exporter, in pipeline "logs": cannot configure clickhouse logs exporter: clickhouse Migrate failed to run, error: no migration found for version 6: read down for version 6 .: file does not exist