hello, is anyone able to help me troubleshoot miss...
# support
hello, is anyone able to help me troubleshoot missing Otel data? here is the output from the troubleshoot pod:
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~ » kubectl -n telemetry run troubleshoot --image=signoz/troubleshoot \                                                         ~
  --restart='Never' -i --tty --rm --command -- ./troubleshoot checkEndpoint \
2023-06-26T20:12:26.069Z	INFO	troubleshoot/main.go:28	STARTING!
2023-06-26T20:12:26.070Z	INFO	checkEndpoint/checkEndpoint.go:41	checking reachability of SigNoz endpoint
2023-06-26T20:12:26.093Z	INFO	troubleshoot/main.go:46	Successfully sent sample data to signoz ...
pod "troubleshoot" deleted
~ » kubectl -n telemetry run troubleshoot --image=signoz/troubleshoot \                                                         ~
  --restart='Never' -i --tty --rm --command -- ./troubleshoot checkEndpoint \
2023-06-26T20:12:32.731Z	INFO	troubleshoot/main.go:28	STARTING!
2023-06-26T20:12:32.731Z	INFO	checkEndpoint/checkEndpoint.go:41	checking reachability of SigNoz endpoint
2023-06-26T20:12:32.739Z	INFO	troubleshoot/main.go:46	Successfully sent sample data to signoz ...
pod "troubleshoot" deleted
How are you sending data to SigNoz?
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    .WithTracing(trace =>
            .ConfigureResource(resource =>
                    serviceName: serviceName,
                    serviceVersion: serviceVersion))
            .AddOtlpExporter(otlp =>
                otlp.Endpoint = new Uri($"http://{builder.Configuration["Otel:Collector"]}");
                otlp.Protocol = OtlpExportProtocol.Grpc;
this does seem to start putting in a minimum amount of data, though I'm still not finding everything I'm looking for
I think it's user error at this point though, but thanks