Hey team, running into some issues with a new inst...
# support
Hey team, running into some issues with a new install of SigNoz (helm chart v0.16.2) on a self-hosted K8 cluster (running on EC2 in AWS and managed by Rancher). I'm able to get the following pods up in the
name space:
Copy code
kubectl get pods
NAME                                               READY   STATUS     RESTARTS        AGE
chi-signoz-clickhouse-cluster-0-0-0                2/2     Running    0               4h17m
signoz-alertmanager-0                              0/2     Init:0/2   0               4h18m
signoz-clickhouse-operator-7b55d5666-2jh65         3/3     Running    0               4h18m
signoz-frontend-8644f95b4c-hbs2g                   0/2     Init:0/2   0               4h18m
signoz-k8s-infra-otel-agent-87h28                  2/2     Running    0               4h18m
signoz-k8s-infra-otel-agent-fdkpd                  2/2     Running    0               4h18m
signoz-k8s-infra-otel-agent-mpn8s                  2/2     Running    0               4h18m
signoz-k8s-infra-otel-agent-rfc4x                  2/2     Running    0               4h18m
signoz-k8s-infra-otel-deployment-5f4b455cd-qjp9m   2/2     Running    2 (4h17m ago)   4h18m
signoz-otel-collector-66fb65544c-5cl6j             0/1     Init:0/1   0               24m
signoz-otel-collector-bdc5b7c66-j84md              0/2     Init:0/2   0               4h18m
signoz-otel-collector-metrics-5657769c49-b7w5l     0/1     Init:0/1   0               14m
signoz-query-service-0                             0/2     Init:0/2   0               4h18m
signoz-zookeeper-0                                 2/2     Running    0               4h18m
Peaking into the init containers of
, I see the following error:
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kubectl logs signoz-otel-collector-metrics-5657769c49-vbl65 -c signoz-otel-collector-metrics-init

wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer
waiting for clickhouseDB
Same for
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kubectl logs signoz-otel-collector-metrics-5657769c49-b7w5l -c signoz-otel-collector-metrics-init

wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer
waiting for clickhouseDB
And for the frontend pod `signoz-frontend-8644f95b4c-hbs2g`:
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kubectl logs signoz-frontend-8644f95b4c-hbs2g -c signoz-frontend-init

wget: can't connect to remote host (<IP_ADDRESS_HERE>): Connection refused
waiting for query-service
Query service pod
has the same error as otel collector:
Copy code
kubectl logs signoz-query-service-0 -c signoz-query-service-init

wget: error getting response: Connection reset by peer
waiting for clickhouseDB
Any insight is appreciated, thank you!
hey @Nond H It seems to me there is issue with connection to ClickHouse . Are you able to connect to ClickHouse DB independently? I am not familiar with Rancher, but do they do anything restricting access to DBs
It seems like ClickHouse was not accepting connections. Can share the logs of the ClickHouse?
Hey team, looks like we got this resolved and SigNoz is now installed. In case anyone else runs into this issue, we had a gatekeeper system that injects istio and opa configs into all namespaces. I had to add SigNoz to an exclusion list for both istio and opa injection and do a clean reinstall of SigNoz for it to work.
Glad you got it to work.