Hi, I want to create dashboard/query for the excep...
# support
Hi, I want to create dashboard/query for the exceptions recorded grouped by a custom field like userId/tenantId. While recording the exception in the application, we have the option to pass Attributes with opentelemetry.
Copy code
Span.current().recordException(throwable, Attributes.of(AttributeKey.stringKey("userId"), userId));
Can you please let me know which table in clickhouse will store this attribute or query to achieve the above. I checked in signoz_traces.signoz_error_index_v2 table. Also please share if there is any documentation on the database schema for clickhouse.
Can you please let me know which table in clickhouse will store this attribute or query to achieve the above. I checked in signoz_traces.signoz_error_index_v2 table.
You are looking at the right table
@Srikanth Chekuri Not able to find that field in this table, can you please let me know the column. There is a column of resourceTagsMap but that dosen't contain this
I just realised we are not storing all the exception attributes. This needs some development work. Would you mind opening an issue?
@Srikanth Chekuri Sure will do that, but i can see the attribute on the event tab of the trace where the exception is recorded. But could not find in the table that i mentioned above.
@Srikanth Chekuri I can see the new attributes on the ui, not sure which table this is being stored.
They are not part of the exceptions table. They are part of the
which has stringified event json.
Understood. These should be present in the error index as well. Should i create a issue?
Yes, please do.
https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/2691 Done @Srikanth Chekuri, let me know if i need to update anything here.