Hi, is it possible to show only traces in the trac...
# support
Hi, is it possible to show only traces in the traces view, by default Signoz shows both traces and their spans which makes it a bit hard for me to find the information that I need (screenshot for a reference). Also, is it possible to exclude certain routes, as I have healthcheck route which is triggered every few seconds and unnecessarily bloats the view. Thanks!
is it possible to show only traces in the traces view
This is upcoming in a month. We are launching a new explorer page with that option
is it possible to exclude certain routes, as I have healthcheck route which is triggered every few seconds and unnecessarily bloats the view
should be possible. @Srikanth Chekuri can you help?
@Ankit Nayan thats great news! Thanks for the reply.
which makes it a bit hard for me to find the information that I need
What data that you need to view for traces and not spans? Would be helpful to understand. @Aleksandar Babic
ideally I would be able to toggle to show/hide the spans in the list shown on
, so when needed I can see only the traces without the spans, and then when I want to see spans of the specific trace I click on it to open the detailed view (trace details page)
okay... cc @Vishal Sharma
You are right, thank you so much my friend, will try it! @Srikanth Chekuri 🙏
so when needed I can see only the traces without the spans
by this do you mean root span? since trace is really a bunch of spans.
@Srikanth Chekuri yes, thats what I’ve meant
@Srikanth Chekuri the URL exclude list seems to be working, the only issue is that my healthcheck is on the
route, and I’m not sure which value should I set to exclude only that URL and not any other. With value
It excludes all root spans for all urls
@Aleksandar Babic Try
It should only match
tried it, it excluded all of the routes except the healthcheck one, so basically opposite of what I was heading towards to @Vishal Sharma
is regex to match only
Can you set
I tested this regex: https://regex101.com/r/lrtXtU/1
I’ll test the
in a few minutes. One thing that crossed my mind from https://opentelemetry-python-contrib.readthedocs.io/en/latest/instrumentation/fastapi/fastapi.html#exclude-lists - it seems like they are not including the trailing slashes in the values, for example they wrote that in order to exclude
route you need to set value
which does not include the
, could that be the problem?
behaving exactly the same
Yes, it doesn’t include the trailing slash. I recommend you to some straightforward endpoint like
and exclude it instead of the root URL.
that is probably the best approach. Thanks for the help @Srikanth Chekuri @Vishal Sharma
@Srikanth Chekuri @Vishal Sharma I was able to actually solve it with the following value for excluded URLs:
The regex
would have worked if the url that was passed to the validation function was only relative (
), but instead its the full URL (
) and requires the above regex in order to properly filter out the
URL. Thanks for the guidance, much appreciated! I love Signoz and will start using it in prod very soon!