Since updating to `0.18.1` I have noticed that lo...
# support
Since updating to
I have noticed that log queries are no longer working, with fields that are definitely present. For example
k8s_namespace_name IN ('name-that-exists')
does not work anymore. See attached captures.
Are you sure there are cert-manager logs in the selected time range?
Yes 100% certain, I extended the range to 1 week. I used cert-manager as an example, but filtering by k8s_namespace_name simply is not working for any namespace at all. As an example using a specific log entry with
id '2OZrlPONFe1F2RDNZoX2meXseev'
that has the following fields:
k8s_namespace_name ('cert-manager')
k8s_node_name ('00000a')
k8s_pod_name ('cert-manager-9997bf6c9-5t98x')
k8s_namespace_name ('cert-manager')
does NOT work. Filter
id IN ('2OZrlPONFe1F2RDNZoX2meXseev')
works! Filter
id IN ('2OZrlPONFe1F2RDNZoX2meXseev') AND k8s_namespace_name IN ('cert-manager')
does NOT work. Filter
k8s_node_name ('00000a')
works! Filter
k8s_node_name ('00000a') AND k8s_namespace_name IN ('cert-manager')
does NOT work. Filter
k8s_pod_name ('cert-manager-9997bf6c9-5t98x')
works! Filter
k8s_pod_name ('cert-manager-9997bf6c9-5t98x')  AND k8s_namespace_name IN ('cert-manager')
does NOT work. @Srikanth Chekuri Thanks for the response.
@Nityananda Gohain would be the best person to answer this.
Hi @Nityananda Gohain and @Srikanth Chekuri sorry to push on this, but It seems that log filter is currently broken for resources_string, because the signoz_logs.distributed_logs query should be:
Copy code
WHERE resources_string['key'] IN ('value')
Another observation, notice the attached screen cap. The log query builder labels the k8s fields as attributes, but they are part of the resources string. So should the query actually be:
Copy code
WHERE resources_string['k8s_namespace_name'] IN ('lecreuset')
AND  resources_string['k8s_container_name'] IN ('acme')
@Nityananda Gohain @Srikanth Chekuri I would really appreciate a response here, signoz logs are completely unusable for us at the moment, because we can't search logs for attributes or resource fields to troubleshoot.