Hi team i was deploying signoz v0.18.1 throught k8...
# support
Hi team i was deploying signoz v0.18.1 throught k8 , all service were running except otel-collector and otel-collector metrics . i got logs as Error: cannot build pipelines: failed to create "clickhousetraces" exporter, in pipeline "traces": error connecting to primary db: code: 170, message: Requested cluster 'cluster' not found 2023/04/19 101530 application run finished with error: cannot build pipelines: failed to create "clickhousetraces" exporter, in pipeline "traces": error connecting to primary db: code: 170, message: Requested cluster 'cluster' not found . as i checked in clickhouse DB for clusters , there is some cluster list , how to get the cluster name whick otel-collector is looking
Are you using external ClickHouse with SigNoz helm?
in case of external clickhouse, please set your clustername as cluster
I faced similar kind of issue.
i am running all the service in k8 cluster as individual pod with this otel docker image signoz/signoz-otel-collector:0.66.7
clustername in which file i should configure , in clickhouse ? can you share me the file name which i need to change plz ?
Let me share the repo link @Ragulraj
https://github.com/hassanbsee2071/clickhouse Just clone this repo and do docker-compose up -d, This will create 6 nodes based clickhouse server on a single node. I am still testing thats why I am using single node. Cluster name is set in macros.xml and remote_server.xml
What did you use to deploy to Kubernetes? If you use SigNoz helm charts, it automatically sets it up. If not, you need to make sure there is a cluster named
in CickHouse.
No i am not using signoz helm charts , this is k8 deployment file i prepared for clickhouse
f not, you need to make sure there is a cluster named
in CickHouse. this in which file i need to configure ?
in this below files i couldnt get clusters config
If you hand-roll your own manifests, it will not be possible for me to help since I don’t have any idea what your config will look like.
based on the docker-compose.yaml from signoz docs , i created a k8 deployment for each service
my k8 deployment will be almost similar like docker-compose.yaml
in clickhouse DB there is no cluster named "cluster"
Hi @Srikanth Chekuri i was trying now to setup signoz with SigNoz helm charts provided in docs
few pods were running some were in init , seems there is issue in pvc connecting with pv
the pvc are in pending state
@Prashant Shahi can help with the helm deployment
It case of external ClickHouse, there are some pre-requisites for external clickhouse: • UDF script and histogram quantile binary needed in clickhouse: custom-function.xml and histogramQuantile binary • must have at least one zookeeper instance • distributed cluster named
set up required: clickhouse-cluster.xml • user credentaials passed must have enough privileges to create/manage databases in CH • secure connection not supported between clickhouse and signoz components yet
@Ragulraj It is likely that you are missing zookeeper as well as including a distributed cluster named
in clickhouse config.
Hi @Prashant Shahi as we are facing many difficulties in external clickhouse , i started a new installation of signoz through signoz helm
@Ragulraj I am using external clickhouse, I also shared my repo to install, I am not facing any issue with external clickhouse
the repo you shared is for docker-compose , i am using k8
docker-compose to install clickhouse server. My signoz is running on AWS EKS
clickhouse server is currently running on ec2 and all other signoz resources are deployed on eks cluster
Ok acutally i am moving with signoz helm now , for easy understand
@Prashant Shahi @Syed Muhammad Hassan here pods were still in pending
These are my pods, @Ragulraj check your pv and pvc
my pvc is still in pending
I think this is not related to signoz issue, check how you are provisioning pv. In my case we are using dynamic storage class for provisioning PV.
do i need to create any pv manually
Try to create PV and bind it pvc manually
Yes if you do not have storage class
for dynamic provisioning
Ok, what type of storage class i should give in my PV
if you have any sample can you share me please ?
where your k8s cluster is running
it is running in OCI server
check this documentation
Ok i will check with this , thank you so much
and you created individual pv for the pvc created from signoz helm am i right ?
no, my pv got automatically created when I defing volumeclaimtemplate
where you defined volume claim template , pv created automatically means by helm ?