hii, Can anyone guide me how to edit this clickhou...
# support
hii, Can anyone guide me how to edit this clickhouse-server/config.xml file. to configure the max_suspicious_broken_parts
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2023.03.27 09:41:32.756403 [ 7 ] {} <Information> Application: Shutting down storages.
2023.03.27 09:41:32.756425 [ 7 ] {} <Information> Context: Shutdown disk default
2023.03.27 09:41:32.756432 [ 7 ] {} <Information> Context: Shutdown disk s3
2023.03.27 09:41:32.756448 [ 7 ] {} <Information> DiskObjectStorage(DiskS3): Shutting down disk s3
2023.03.27 09:41:32.756455 [ 7 ] {} <Information> DiskObjectStorage(DiskS3): Disk s3 shut down
2023.03.27 09:41:33.197310 [ 76 ] {} <Information> system.metric_log (ee60f679-08f7-43a6-b64a-b1c5b6033ba0): Delaying inserting block by 131.8256738556407 ms. because there are 255 parts
2023.03.27 09:41:33.816440 [ 7 ] {} <Error> Application: DB::Exception: Suspiciously many (20 parts, 259.02 KiB in total) broken parts to remove while maximum allowed broken parts count is 10. You can change the maximum value with merge tree setting 'max_suspicious_broken_parts' in <merge_tree> configuration section or in table settings in .sql file (don't forget to return setting back to default value): Cannot attach table `signoz_logs`.`logs` from metadata file /var/lib/clickhouse/store/5f9/5f9d716d-9913-47d3-90b0-c95f1c62bfa5/logs.sql from query ATTACH TABLE signoz_logs.logs UUID 'dbc363d8-5e0b-40c5-9df5-9e6260cd082f' (`timestamp` UInt64 CODEC(DoubleDelta, LZ4), `observed_timestamp` UInt64 CODEC(DoubleDelta, LZ4), `id` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `trace_id` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `span_id` String CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `trace_flags` UInt32, `severity_text` LowCardinality(String) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `severity_number` UInt8, `body` String CODEC(ZSTD(2)), `resources_string_key` Array(String) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `resources_string_value` Array(String) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `attributes_string_key` Array(String) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `attributes_string_value` Array(String) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `attributes_int64_key` Array(String) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `attributes_int64_value` Array(Int64) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `attributes_float64_key` Array(String) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `attributes_float64_value` Array(Float64) CODEC(ZSTD(1)), `k8s_cluster_name` String MATERIALIZED resources_string_value[indexOf(resources_string_key, 'k8s_cluster_name')] CODEC(LZ4), INDEX body_idx body TYPE tokenbf_v1(10240, 3, 0) GRANULARITY 4, INDEX id_minmax id TYPE minmax GRANULARITY 1, INDEX k8s_cluster_name_idx k8s_cluster_name TYPE bloom_filter(0.01) GRANULARITY 64) ENGINE = MergeTree PARTITION BY toDate(timestamp / 1000000000) ORDER BY (timestamp, id) TTL toDateTime(timestamp / 1000000000) + toIntervalSecond(345600), toDateTime(timestamp / 1000000000) + toIntervalSecond(172800) TO VOLUME 's3' SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192, ttl_only_drop_parts = 1, storage_policy = 'tiered'
2023.03.27 09:41:33.816490 [ 7 ] {} <Information> Application: shutting down
2023.03.27 09:41:33.816548 [ 8 ] {} <Information> BaseDaemon: Stop SignalListener thread
2023.03.27 09:41:33.843565 [ 1 ] {} <Information> Application: Child process exited normally with code 70.
Are you using docker or k8s?
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done. Thanks @Srikanth Chekuri