Hi, I have an app that's pushing metrics in promet...
# support
Hi, I have an app that's pushing metrics in prometheus format on
. I do not want to run a prometheus instance to consume these. What configuration should I add to signoz to consume the metrics from my app's endpoint? Also I do not see a "Metrics" menu item in the Signoz dashboard. Does this need some sort of config to enable?
Thanks, I added this:
Copy code
- job_name: "consoled"
          scrape_interval: 30s
            - targets:
              - localhost:3334
into :
and restarted signoz, still wasn't able to see Metrics in the side pane of Signoz UI. i have my application running at 3334 and its exposing
I queried signoz clickhouse, it doesn't look like my consoled metrics are getting stored in signoz.
Copy code
clickhouse :) select DISTINCT(JSONExtractString(time_series_v2.labels,'__name__')) as metrics from signoz_metrics.time_series_v2;

SELECT DISTINCT JSONExtractString(time_series_v2.labels, '__name__') AS metrics
FROM signoz_metrics.time_series_v2

Query id: 08686b3d-ae7f-4520-9b07-29fe5c69f00f

│ otelcol_exporter_db_write_latency_bucket   │
│ otelcol_exporter_db_write_latency_count    │
│ otelcol_exporter_db_write_latency_sum      │
│ otelcol_exporter_send_failed_metric_points │
│ otelcol_exporter_sent_metric_points        │
│ otelcol_receiver_accepted_metric_points    │
│ otelcol_receiver_refused_metric_points     │
│ otelcol_signoz_metric_points_bytes         │
│ otelcol_signoz_metric_points_count         │
│ otelcol_exporter_enqueue_failed_log_records    │
│ otelcol_exporter_enqueue_failed_metric_points  │
│ otelcol_exporter_enqueue_failed_spans          │
│ otelcol_exporter_queue_capacity                │
│ otelcol_exporter_queue_size                    │
│ otelcol_process_cpu_seconds                    │
│ otelcol_process_memory_rss                     │
│ otelcol_process_runtime_heap_alloc_bytes       │
│ otelcol_process_runtime_total_alloc_bytes      │
│ otelcol_process_runtime_total_sys_memory_bytes │
│ otelcol_process_uptime                         │
│ otelcol_processor_batch_batch_send_size_bucket │
│ otelcol_processor_batch_batch_send_size_count  │
│ otelcol_processor_batch_batch_send_size_sum    │
│ otelcol_processor_batch_timeout_trigger_send   │
│ signoz_calls_total    │
│ signoz_latency_bucket │
│ signoz_latency_count  │
│ signoz_latency_sum    │
│ otelcol_exporter_send_failed_log_records │
│ otelcol_exporter_send_failed_requests    │
│ otelcol_exporter_send_failed_spans       │
│ otelcol_exporter_sent_log_records        │
│ otelcol_exporter_sent_spans              │
│ otelcol_receiver_accepted_log_records    │
│ otelcol_receiver_accepted_spans          │
│ otelcol_receiver_refused_log_records     │
│ otelcol_receiver_refused_spans           │
│ otelcol_scraper_errored_metric_points    │
│ otelcol_scraper_scraped_metric_points    │
│ otelcol_signoz_logs_bytes                │
│ otelcol_signoz_logs_count                │
│ otelcol_signoz_spans_bytes               │
│ otelcol_signoz_spans_count               │
│ scrape_duration_seconds                  │
│ scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling    │
│ scrape_samples_scraped                   │
│ scrape_series_added                      │
│ signoz_external_call_latency_count       │
│ signoz_external_call_latency_sum         │
│ system_cpu_load_average_15m              │
│ system_cpu_load_average_1m               │
│ system_cpu_load_average_5m               │
│ system_cpu_time                          │
│ system_disk_io                           │
│ system_disk_io_time                      │
│ system_disk_merged                       │
│ system_disk_operation_time               │
│ system_disk_operations                   │
│ system_disk_pending_operations           │
│ system_disk_weighted_io_time             │
│ system_filesystem_inodes_usage           │
│ system_filesystem_usage                  │
│ system_memory_usage                      │
│ system_network_connections               │
│ system_network_dropped                   │
│ system_network_errors                    │
│ system_network_io                        │
│ system_network_packets                   │
│ up                                       │

69 rows in set. Elapsed: 0.010 sec. Processed 4.00 thousand rows, 1.26 MB (386.68 thousand rows/s., 121.95 MB/s.)
running using docker-compose or helm? docker container can't use
to access host path
Thank you! that fixed it 🙂
what did you use as host? there are more than 1 ways to do that IMO
I realised after fumbling around for a bit and checking logs on
and your reply was just on time, so thank you! @Ankit Nayan