Greetings, Kindly I need help in getting all logs...
# general
Greetings, Kindly I need help in getting all logs and traces for specific trace_id Thanks in advance.
@Zeid ALSeryani If you are passing trace id as a field in logs, you should be able to add a filter in logs page with specific traced_id you want to see logs for
@Pranay Thank you , I already know that , but currently signoz does not have export feature to export logs and traces for specific trace_id , so my plan is to get them from clickhouse database. I managed to export traces for specific trace_id from clickhouse, which are located in
signoz_traces.distributed_signoz_spans under model column.
2 days ago, I checked here on slack and someone responed that export feature is not implemented I am going to go with logs for specific trace_id > Kindly advise If I getting them correctly