This is giving me nuts again :disappointed: I don...
# general
This is giving me nuts again 😞 I don't know what I am doing wrong... Logs - in general work. But where is this one specific log?
Do I need to wait? Do I need to press the Go live?
omg 😞 is it my browser v
$ date Fri Mar 17 202223 CET 2023 (localtime on my desktop) $ date Fri Mar 17 192215 UTC 2023 (localtime on my k8s cluster)
is it this?
n If you doing search on body along with filtering queries please use fulltext Ex ‘id IN ('2DCVZOsKHioCeuvbObzVzzL1eZ5') AND fulltext contains 'Dispatch Successful'’
Ok I found it out 🙂
I have a feeling that a pod - at least - must have a Ready status, before we get logs.
I can't prove it - but waiting until the pod is ready did the trick.
Okay so you are saying that logs are not ingested to SigNoz unless the pod is in ready state ?
I now "fixed" it by just 1) add more ram to k8s 2) update SigNoz to the latest version