I am getting an error while fetching logs in signo...
# support
I am getting an error while fetching logs in signoz, I can see the logs in my clickhouse tables but I am getting the following error when the ui tries to fetch the logs
You probably have set up ClickHouse incorrectly. There needs to be a cluster named
and the user needs access to databases
The user has access to all the databases..the migrations are run by the query server itself or do i have to do that manually
I can see the traces and metrics , but not logs and the service map
the migrations are run by the query server itself or do i have to do that manually
SigNoz collector does it automatically when you start it up. The service map is a ClickHouse exception issue which I asked for env details here https://signoz-community.slack.com/archives/C01HWQ1R0BC/p1679035265278129?thread_ts=1678870098.544749&cid=C01HWQ1R0BC. The logs says it can’t find the DB and table. This could mean multiple things - Do distributed tables exist? Does the user have access to the DB and table?
I am running clickhouse server version 23.1, on ubuntu 22.04 lts , on an aws ec2 t2.small instance (amd64)
my otel collector version is signoz/signoz-otel-collector:${OTELCOL_TAG:-0.66.4}, has there been a change after this which might have a different table name
Yes, the compatible versions can be found in our docker deployment (or charts).
ok..thank you
I am now able to see the logs but when i update the version of otel collector but I am unable to see the service map....this is error shown in the console
response from the api {"data":null,"total":0,"limit":0,"offset":0,"errors":[{"code":400,"msg":"Error in processing sql query"}]}
probable error in the query service
Ok, are you working with the same environment stated above with
I have an updated version of clickouse 23.1, then i will try to use the 22.8.8 version