Hello All we have a custom need to use our react t...
# general
Hello All we have a custom need to use our react themes rather than the out of the box Signoz UI . I know it is achievable but is there a signoz design in the UI such as spans etc . Please kindly clarify.
Is this about white labelling solutions? You want to sell SigNoz to your customers?
No this is an asset internal no selling
why do you need to change theme? How will it be better?
i know Signoz has EE (paid plans)
this is the Corp theme that we follow (adhere to necessary)
and our internal dashboard is a react based portal so we need to have these telemetry/monitoring /tracing in out dashboard
Hope i was able to give a picture
yes..got it
I am afraid that would come under
if built in near future. You can work with us if you are looking for enterprise plan else you can build it for yourself
at least as a starter to show case your exiting stuff (metrics /traces /logs) we would build it ourself with some clues etc and hopefully you would be enthused this to be taken on a Corp asset level
then possibly it can go as EE level
does the react UI has some specific's to Signoz ? like spans etc where they could be targetted for the metrices etc ? may be question for your frontend engg ? TIA