Hi, I am trying to install signoz v4. But it is s...
# general
Hi, I am trying to install signoz v4. But it is showing this error ERROR: for otel-collector-metrics manifest for docker.io/signoz/signoz-otel-collector:0.66.2 not found ERROR: for otel-collector manifest for docker.io/signoz/signoz-otel-collector:0.66.2 not found ERROR: for query-service manifest for docker.io/signoz/query-service:0.14.0 not found ERROR: for frontend manifest for docker.io/signoz/frontend:0.14.0 not found ERROR: manifest for docker.io/signoz/frontend:0.14.0 not found -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I tried installing v3 Creating load-hotrod ... Creating zookeeper-1 ... Creating load-hotrod ... done Creating zookeeper-1 ... done ERROR: for hotrod Cannot create container for service hotrod: unknown log opt 'max-size' for journald log driver Creating clickhouse ... error ERROR: for clickhouse Cannot create container for service clickhouse: unknown log opt 'max-size' for journald log driver ERROR: for hotrod Cannot create container for service hotrod: unknown log opt 'max-size' for journald log driver ERROR: for clickhouse Cannot create container for service clickhouse: unknown log opt 'max-size' for journald log driver ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. Waiting for all containers to start. This check will timeout in 1 seconds .... +++++++++++ ERROR ++++++++++++++++++++++ 🔴 The containers didn't seem to start correctly. Please run the following command to check containers that may have errored out: sudo docker-compose -f ./docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml ps -a Please read our troubleshooting guide https://signoz.io/docs/deployment/docker/#troubleshooting-of-common-issues or reach us on SigNoz for support https://signoz.io/slack ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 🔴 The containers didn't seem to start correctly. Please run the following command to check containers that may have errored out: sudo docker-compose -f ./docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml ps -a or reach us for support in #help channel in our Slack Community https://signoz.io/slack ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ sudo docker-compose -f ./docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml ps -a Name Command State Ports --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- load-hotrod /docker-entrypoint.sh Up 5557/tcp, 5558/tcp, 8089/tcp zookeeper-1 /opt/bitnami/scripts/zooke ... Up>2181/tcp,>2888/tcp,>3888/tcp, 8080/tcp please help
@Prashant Shahi can you please take a look
@Dona Dominic You can try removing the logging section.
@Dona Dominic But the issue here is with Docker daemon setting itself. Quick solution to the issue is by updating
and changing the
"log-driver": "journald"
"log-driver": "json-file"
. Followed by, restart of the Docker daemon via
systemctl restart docker
@Dona Dominic can you check again from your machine? I am unable to reproduce the issue now. Most likely DockerHub is no longer causing any issues for M1/M2 chips to pull AMD images.