Hello everyone. We've been using Uptrace and just ...
# general
Hello everyone. We've been using Uptrace and just found Signoz. Does Signoz have the concept of multiple applications/projects being monitored at the same time?
can you share more on what you mean by different applications? Do you mean different teams like marketing, product, etc
Sure, I guess you could call it multiple non-related services
They're not dependent on each other
Different teams/devs too
Ok, so we don't have a concept of projects today in SigNoz, but you can set something like namespaces to filters services etc. people use it to group dev/staging/prod services
Ok, I guess I could setup multiple front-ends/collectors/etc and use the same clickhouse db?
Then maybe put traefik in front of it and have it parse the url
Will let @Ankit Nayan confirm on this
@Jason but the data and querying has to be separated at clickhouse. I don't think it will work. What you can do is run multiple signoz setup at different namespaces and route ingestion to different namespaces based on headers. Also, each namespace will have their own frontend pod which can be exposed to different sets of users