# contributing
https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/1353#issuecomment-1186123246 Hi Team, please checkout this commit that I have made, I need some clarification on this. Have added the comments there. Just trying to make sure that I am making the right changes.
replied...and tagged @Srikanth Chekuri to help you further
👍 1
Yeah, as Ankit mentioned please open small PRs and assign them to me. And remove self explanatory comments / debug statements you newly added when creating pull request.
Sure will remove them and will make the first PR
Please review this PR. Probably would have to link it with the following issue and add some lables there. I think only admins have the rights to add labels and link it to the issue, isn't it? https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/1353