I have just installed SigNoz in our infrastructure...
# general
I have just installed SigNoz in our infrastructure internally, and I wanted to create an admin account. The thing that I have concerns about are switches on the picture, as we are not quite willing to share any of our internal data with any other organisation. Can anybody make that more clear to me?
I have tried searching in the documentation what kind of data you are collecting and where those are sent, but couldn’t find it…
Nikola, you can check details on telemetry data here - https://signoz.io/docs/telemetry/
Thank you, but that seems to stay in our locally installed stack. What usage data are sent out of it to you? On the picture I’ve sent it says “Anonymise my usage data. We collect data to measure product usage.” What kind of data are you collecting?
Hey @Nikola Vidovic It's all there in the doc. Have a look at https://signoz.io/docs/telemetry/#signoz-server You can also disable telemetry sent to us https://signoz.io/docs/telemetry/#disable-telemetry
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The SigNoz backend server sends a keep-alive ping every 6 hours to indicate that it is still running without any errors. We also send some metrics around usage like number of spans and timeseries to understand the scale at which signoz is being deployed and hence helps us to proactively run benchmarks on similar scale and fix any performance issues that users might be facing.
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SigNoz UI captures behavioural data around navigation, clicks and total number of services. No data about your services or payload is captured.
Thank you very much all! Will give it a try 🙂
👍 2