Hi Team, Is log collection n query capability impl...
# general
Hi Team, Is log collection n query capability implemented in Signoz? how far are we on it?
hey @fazil b We haven't shipped logs management. yet. Though we have started working on it and should ship first version soon. Would love to know what are your key use cases for logs management? Do current solutions like Elastic not serve your use case
@Pranay our exact requirement was to replace datadog with similar free tool. that’s how got bumped in to signox.
Datadog on top of monitoring, also gives log management out of the box
got it. So you need monitoring, traces and logs in one place?
Btw the way datadog does is, it’s agent pulls the console logs of our pods (containers), adds kube metadata (like pod_id, namespace,etc ) and forwards it to the datadog backend
Also, how stable signox today to use it for production? Is it production ready ?