:wave: If i had some zap fields ready to go with t...
# general
👋 If i had some zap fields ready to go with trace ids, how do i land them to signoz so as to be able to do log <> trace (bi/uni directional) correlation today? thanks for signoz team!
log signal sdk is almost experimental in otel i believe but filereceiver example is present in signoz. is that enough to get me going to at least get log <> trace correlation in signoz?
the other option i have is to use fluentbit and send them to the signoz eks cluster. i am confused as to which tcp/udp endpoint to send to using this scheme as well.
Yeah you can use the filereceiver, for extracting trace_id and span_id you will have to use the trace_parser operator. you can look at this example https://github.com/SigNoz/logs-benchmark/blob/5c1990d8637beee6326dbcb6f376ed268f540246/signoz/signoz-client/otel-collector-config.yaml#L22
thanks @nitya-signoz
i'll check it out
aha so
receiver is this high vol, high throughput log receiver. TIL.
or extracting trace_id and span_id you will have to use the trace_parser operator.
oh right. you are referring to the parsing and parsing only. got it.
thank you that worked.
Great 🎉