Hello, we are just evaluating to use Signoz. I do ...
# general
Hello, we are just evaluating to use Signoz. I do not seem to find what the retention rate for the data is and how Data can be backed up. Certain Data sets like traces are not really relevant after certain time, but metrics are relevant.
You can set the retention period on your own on the settings page. You can move data to cold storage as well. https://signoz.io/docs/userguide/retention-period/
how can we back up the production data
@sam what about enabling s3 config as mentioned in docs and set move to s3 time after which data will be moved to s3 from disk. And do not set any TTL which would otherwise delete data even s3.
There is another tool that might be helpful https://github.com/AlexAkulov/clickhouse-backup
but we have not tested rehydration of data from there
Thanks, that is a good pointer. meanwhile we have the first demo landscape up and running. NExt question is: Is there a way to protect the Metics API. meaning can we set an API key which the clients which are sending data to SignOZ need to use in order to use the API?
that is the next upcoming feature...auth for otel-collectors
@Ankit Nayan- is the auth for otel-collectors implemented now? I found this issue still open - https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/1254
not yet... you can expect it by end of Jan or early Feb 🙂
thanks! I’d love to have it as soon as it is ready
just to be clear - is it auth for various mechanisms like oidc via keycloak / sso etc or simple token-based auth? I’d prefer the latter as it makes installs much simpler (similar to dd’s agent)
it should be a revokable token based auth. The OIDC, SSO is at user level. Machine to machine auth should be fine using tokens
Perfect - thanks!
Quick check - where are we on the simple token auth?
couldn't pick this up for this sprint. We might pick this up for next sprint,
That'd be great!