i am looking to see if i can project lag on kafka ...
# general
i am looking to see if i can project lag on kafka topic(s) per partition.
There are several exporter packages built around monitoring for the kafka metrics. I think for this use case this one https://github.com/seglo/kafka-lag-exporter fits well. This sends the lag data with partition (and many other labels). You can enable the prometheus and config the SigNoz scraper to receive the data here https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/blob/develop/deploy/docker/clickhouse-setup/otel-collector-metrics-config.yaml#L8. You could go to dashboards to confirm if the data is being ingested and plot the relevant metric on panel.
Thank you Srikanth.
@Srikanth Chekuri Can you please confirm if this setup requires prometheus server?
No this doesn’t require you to run prometheus server. Above I shared the file where you would configure the scrape jobs to get the data.
got it, Thank you!