Hello everyone, I tried the below link for Node js...
# general
Hello everyone, I tried the below link for Node js intrumentation. https://signoz.io/blog/nodejs-opensource-application-monitoring/ For some reason, the traces/metrics are not showing up on the Signoz frontend, what could be the possible issues. How do I debug? I dont see any error
Hi Shruti, Welcome to the community 👋 Your application must generate some data for it appear on the UI. Can you check this once: https://signoz.io/docs/instrumentation/javascript/#validating-instrumentation-by-checking-for-traces
My application does generate data as the consoleExporter works. The signoz UI still doesnt display any data.
Ok. Can you try this troubleshooting guide to check whether SigNoz Otel collector is accessible from your app: https://signoz.io/docs/install/troubleshooting/?
I amgetting a connection refused, what could be the potential issue
2022-09-27T131412.996Z INFO troubleshoot/main.go:28 STARTING! 2022-09-27T131412.997Z INFO checkEndpoint/checkEndpoint.go:41 checking reachability of SigNoz endpointError: not able to send data to SigNoz endpoint ... rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Might be a permission issue. Port 4317, and 4318 on the machine where SigNoz is installed should be open to receive the telemetry data. Here's an OTel collector address grid guide. @Prashant Shahi can you look into this?
This works when I execute the node app with sudo.
@Shruti Choudhary That could happen when there is issue with docker network. Or it could be related to node itself. Could you please try troubleshooting binary? https://signoz.io/docs/install/troubleshooting/
With that you can test whether or not, the signoz otel-collector OTLP endpoint is exposed and accessible.