<@U021151C4QJ> Which type of backend work are you ...
# contributing
@User Which type of backend work are you comfortable with? A few options I can think of: • Frontend bugs and features • Writing test cases • Development in Golang -> add more features • Adding support for anything that you feel is missing • Adding CI • Different cluster configs to test scalability of system • Refactor to support more queuing systems like AWS SQS, Kinesis, Redis • Add more deployment options to Heroku/Fargate + CloudFormation templates and more, Let me know which kind of work you would be most interested in? Would be happy to dig deeper.
Hey, thanks for sharing this. I can take up a feature development or the refactor for supporting other queuing systems. I am not still not sure about how much time I can contribute. Taking that into consideration, I would like something which does not block anything you have planned on the roadmap
Adding CI is an independent thing and I can pick that up may be. What do you think about doing it using github actions? @User
Or I can pick up bugs, I think that would help a lot in getting familiar with code base
Are you comfortable with golang?
Taking that into consideration, I would like something which does not block anything you have planned on the roadmap
Yes I am comfortable with golang
Cool 👍 Lemme come up with a few issues which would be best to get started with. 🙂
Hey @User What do you think about https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/issues/53? This will help you gain some understanding of the system. Instead of
endpoint, you can choose a span name (operation name) that you don't want to see in SigNoz and thus exclude this from being sent from otel-collector. You will get to learn how otel processors work and finally, if spans are excluded, they must not be visible in the UI. Hence, an overall understanding of SigNoz.
Writing test cases
@User I think I can start with flattener-processor or query-service. I explored a bit for the testing framework which go provides : https://golang.org/pkg/testing/ which we can use. Also for flattener-processor. do we need to add unit test cases for util methods as such : https://github.com/Signoz/signoz/blob/main/pkg/processors/flattener/main.go#L107
let me know if you have any specific test case approach in mind.
@User that will be a good start. I would suggest to start with flattener processor and raise a PR so that we get the complete setup ready with your PR merged. You can also exempt these util functions. Query Service is undergoing a bit of refactor so would suggest not to pick it up now. Maybe in 7-10 days.
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@User https://gitlab.com/signoz-public/spanprocessor is there any doc for this component?
@User https://gitlab.com/signoz-public/spanprocessor this has no correlation to open-telemetry processor.
thanks 🙂
I have separated the data model and marshalling & unmarshalling of proto data into https://gitlab.com/signoz-public/spanprocessor
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In the flattener processor that library is just used to unmarshall proto data into golang structs
oh makes sense. btw one more query. https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/blob/main/pkg/processors/flattener/main.go#L165
func printTraces(traces_pt *pdata.Traces)
Traces where from this is populated?
// Traces is the top-level struct that is propagated through the traces pipeline.
// This is the newer version of consumerdata.Traces, but uses more efficient
// in-memory representation.
type Traces struct {
orig *[]*otlptrace.ResourceSpans
from the code
is commented out at https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/blob/main/pkg/processors/flattener/main.go#L308
method is automatically invoked with the data. This method is fed as parameter to goka library Input function which reads streaming data from Kafka. Have a look at https://github.com/SigNoz/signoz/blob/main/pkg/processors/flattener/main.go#L346
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sorry I actually meant process func instead of printTraces makes sense now. will explore more on it. 🙌
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still working on it. took some time to grasp go-lang and all the services involved. did a deep dive into the rabbithole where it led me to. really interesting 🙌