Hi <@U01HWQ1RTC2>, Any plans to creating a repo fo...
# contributing
Hi @User, Any plans to creating a repo for signoz helm charts? I can work on that, if you want.
@User we are working on creating helm charts for clickhouse..and we will also evaluate creating separate repo for deployment/helm charts.
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@User is looking into this. @User Would you be interested in discussing the pros and cons over a call say Wed sometime?
Sure, We can discuss on Wednesday.
does 12pm/1pm/4pm work? suggest a time
and your email? will send an invite
4pm works for me. Here is my mail- mail.rajdas@gmail.com
Hi @User, Let me know about your decision on the helm charts thing, I can set up the pipeline to deploy the signoz charts to github pages.
@User I think the above setup to deploy by gh-pages is independent to adding clickhouse setup to the current helm chart? If so, can @User work on deploying the signoz charts to github pages. Or we can wait for a week if we need more time 🙂
yeah, we can work on it independently. Whenever we are ready with clickhouse-setup helm chart, we will upload it there
Okay, so, we will use the current signoz repo for helm charts Right?
yes..we can keep that for now..the steps should be easy to move in new repo also right?
Would be better to have it in a different repo? Where we can have all the deployment specific things including install scripts or other form of deployments. In that we can have github pages as well. Reason being if we need different branches for versioning, may be we just need to have them for deployment purpose, not for signoz main repo. Thoughts?
ok...does the new repo versioning work independent of core versioning? If so, when we say a feature X is released, the core repo would say it is released in say 1.3.0 but if devs want to use it they need to deploy helm version 1.9.x? Won't this be confusing?
Also, say the new repo has deployments of multiple ways -> docker-compose, swarm & helm. Will a tag in the repo be same for all (meaning all will upgrade together) or will they have independent versions?
Another scenario, let's assume aws and gcp deployments in vms are maintained in different folders in the new repo. When a feature is ready to be released in aws but not in gcp, how will this be faciliated in repo versions/releases?
Good points Ankit. will go through these repos today. Let's create a doc for all these and other points. I will write all these points and share it here. Then we can do the discussion and get the conclusion there.
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Can we dig deeper this weekend?
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@User You can have a look at this conversation too
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